Metalurgical processing
Our Company is specialized in melting and casting non-ferrous metals and has these technologies:
Vacuum induction furnaces-into 60 kg Cu, into 1 kg Cu
Open induction furnaces-into 200 kg Cu,into 60 kg Cu
Annealing furnaces, wire-drawing machines, rolling stool into
the width 300 mm, rotary forging machine
Production possibilities
Non-ferrous metals (Copper,Aluminium,Nickel,lowmelting
alloys,precious metals, etc.)
Semi-finished products for further melting and casting
Heat treatment
Forming (rolling, pressed, rotary forging)
Production of wires
Production of sheet metals
Our production includes:
Soft solder lead-free,
cast and wrought for machines soldering-plumbing
Special and bearing metals
Special and bearing metals